Boa selger "Boa Deep C" og "Boa Sub C"


Boa sendte ut en børsmelding idag hvor de skriver at "The Issuer is in the process of negotiating the sale of its two vessels BOA Deep C and BOA Sub C (the “Vessels”)."

Det må vel bety at de er ganske så nærme et salg av disse to skipene.

Spennende å se hvem som plukker dem opp.

Boa OCV AS - Information regarding sale of Boa Sub C​

The Company has entered into an agreement with an undisclosed buyer to sell the subsea construction vessel BOA Sub C. After completion of closing, BOA OCV expects, over one or several sweeps over the next 3 months, to distribute approximately 100-120 percent of the current outstanding amount under the Bonds. Closing is expected to occur during first half of February.
Denne skulle vel egentlig inn og jobbe 1 år for Subsea 7 i Brasil.

Boa OCV AS - Information regarding sale of Boa Sub C​

The Company has entered into an agreement with an undisclosed buyer to sell the subsea construction vessel BOA Sub C...

Blir det grått skrog på "Boa Sub C" skal tru?
"Boka Sub C" til kai i Rio de Janeiro på fredag


Foto: © Oddgeir Refvik