Edda Wind, Bygg nr. 965-968 ved Vard Brattvaag og Vard Vung Tau, VARD 4 25 "Notus/Eurus/Monsoon/TBN Enabler"



New CSOVs and contemplated private placement​

Haugesund, 2 March 2023: Edda Wind ASA (the “Edda Wind” or the “Company”) today announces that it has (through subsidiaries) agreed contracts with Vard for four commissioning service operation vessels (CSOV) newbuilds to be constructed, the first two of which are expected to be delivered in Q1 2025, the third in Q2 2025, and the fourth in Q1 2026.

The contract price is EUR 63 million per new vessel based on 5x20% installment milestone structure, in addition to owner-furnished equipment and building supervision costs. The Company has also secured options for 2+2 additional CSOV vessels, with expected delivery dates in 2025 and 2026 (if declared). With delivery of these additional newbuilds, Edda Wind will become the leading offshore wind service vessel provider.

The Company has had good access to debt financing and expects to secure debt financing for the four newbuilds ahead of delivery. The Company has secured financing for nine of its ten pre-existing newbuilds at attractive terms, including a recently announced green loan facility for the pre- and postdelivery financing of four vessels under construction, for a minimum – maximum amount of EUR 100 to EUR 120 million and term of six years from delivery. Following this agreement, nine of the ten pre-existing vessels in the fleet have secured long term financing.

Edda Wind is regularly tendering and negotiating with clients for new contracts. Currently, Edda Wind is in an advanced stage of negotiations with an industry major in relation to contracts for about 750 firm trading days in 2023 and 2024 at rates above historical levels and in the range as forecasted by analysts. No assurance can be made that any such agreement will be entered into.
VARD 4 25

Illustrasjon: Vard
Dei to som skal byggast i Norge blir utrusta ved Vard Brattvaag kor bnr. 965 skal overleverast 16. Januar 2025, mens bnr. 966 overleverast 20. Mars 2025
Opsjonene på disse vil for øyblikket ikke bli utøvet ifølge Edda wind sin kvartalspresentasjon, pga av lav aksjekurs for å hente egenkapital til å kjøpe disse. Prisene på opsjonene er ca 5% under de prisene du hadde fått om du hadde bestilt idag.
«Today, 31 May 2024, marks a significant milestone as Edda Wind can announce that our Vard CSOV NB965 were successfully launched– at Vard Braila, Romania.
This just after 7 months and 3 weeks – as it was keel laid on the slipway October 12, 2023.

Hull 965 is now launched with all underwater equipment installed and will now undergo approx. 2 months of remaining production alongside Vard Braila, Romania, before she will be towed off to Vard Brattvåg, Norway, for the remaining activities. Remaining activities include topside equipment installation, commissioning and sea trials before delivery.
Our Vard-0425 Commissioning Service Operation Vessels design has been designed exclusively for Edda Wind. It is designed with unparalleled flexibility and operability for operations in wind farms anywhere in the world. Hull 965 is prepared for zero-emission operations based on a Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) concept in addition to being methanol ready.»

Fra https://eddawind.com/launch-of-edda-winds-commissioning-service-operation-vessel-nb965/

Prøvde å tyde namnet på bildet eg også, men fann ikkje ut av det.

Men "Notos Enabler" kan det godt være ja!
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Another milestone reached: Keel Laying Ceremony for NB 968 for Edda Wind.

On September 27, the Keel Laying Ceremony for NB 968 was successfully held at Vard Vung Tau, Vietnam. NB 968 is the fourth new build under construction from VARD to Edda Wind, including NB 965, 966 and 967. The vessels will join Edda Wind's fleet, enabling clients to generate renewable energy to meet the world's growing energy needs.

Foto: Vard